Case Study

Bellhop Moves Faster with Yardstik

Bellhop is a modern moving company that leverages technology to streamline and enhance the moving experience. They offer a suite of services that include local and long-distance moving, packing, and supplies, catering to both residential and commercial clients. Before moving to Yardstik, Bellhop used multiple vendors to manage screening activities. They wanted a partner who could manage everything while helping them save time and money.

  • Headquarters: Chattanooga, TN
  • Company Size: 400+ Employees


  • Bellhop spends 15% less time reviewing background checks with Yardstik.
  • Bellhop saves 20% with Sequential Screening and cost savings through the Yardstik platform.
  • Results are returned in <1 day so Bellhop can onboard workers faster than ever.


Before finding Yardstik, Bellhop used multiple vendors to screen candidates who could become movers on their platform. At the time, they used one vendor to run background screens and another to run MVR and DOT checks.

“Initially, our desire to find a new provider was really motivated by costs,” said Brett Gallo, Senior Manager of Supply Operations at Bellhop. In an effort to save on costs and build more efficiencies in their screening workflows, the team at Bellhop began looking for a new partner.


Yardstik partnered with Bellhop to bring all their screening activities under one roof.

Gallo explained that while Yardstik initially seemed similar to their previous vendor, he quickly recognized the added value of the new partnership.

“At first, the platform seemed pretty similar to our previous vendor,” said Gallo. “But we’ve continued to discover and be introduced to more features that have been valuable to us,” he added.

One feature that particularly stood out to Gallo was Yardstik’s Sequential Screening solution.

“We used to run a background check and then an MVR,” said Gallo. “And then we flipped that because we were finding the MVR was more often than not disqualifying folks, as opposed to the background checks.”

Gallo explained how Yardstik’s Sequential Screening feature helped them reduce costs and stop screening people who wouldn’t be hired in the end anyway.

“We were paying for the more expensive package upfront but losing candidates on the cheaper package,” said Gallo. So we decided to lead with the cheaper package. That allowed us to hold off on running the second package until we got the results of the first one. Yardstik helped us set up the new workflow, and we had it live in a matter of days,” he added.

Sequential Screening is the only solution on the market that helps you run fewer background checks. It stops the screening process if candidates don’t meet your pre-specified requirements. This saves you money and gives you the power to build your screening workflow your way.

Yardstik customers using Sequential Screening run roughly 10% fewer screens and save 12% on screening costs.


Screening Cost Predictability

Yardstik gives the Bellhop team peace of mind by helping them understand exactly how much money is being spent on screening. This visibility into the data allows Gallo to keep his leadership informed month-to-month and also forecast future costs as they expand into new markets.

It’s crucial information that they weren’t able to get from their previous vendor.

“Projecting costs month to month has become less of a guessing game since moving to Yardstik,” said Gallo. “With our previous provider, we were never really sure what that bill would look like.”

Since switching to Yardstik, Bellhop has lowered screening costs by 20%.

Gallo concluded by offering one final thought on what makes the partnership with Yardstik meaningful to him and his team.

“It feels like we’re an important customer to them, whether we are or not,” said Gallo. “I appreciate their responsiveness, their ability to move quickly with us, and their willingness to help us keep optimizing every month.”

Cost Savings through A/B Testing

Yardstik takes an always-on consultative approach to help Bellhop address cost and efficiency concerns.

“The Yardstik team helps us run different A/B tests to optimize our screening workflow, like looking at different packages for County Search fees versus flat package fees,” said Gallo. “They’re always there trying to help us fine-tune our process,” he added.

With these optimizations, Bellhop now spends 15% less time reviewing background screens with managed adverse action, saving time to focus on hireable candidates.

Easy to Use and Integrate

Bellhop was able to move quickly with Yardstik.

“Yardstik is a really easy-to-use interface,” said Gallo. “Our product team was able to integrate pretty easily with them,” he added.

With the integration now in place, background screen results are returned in less than a day, allowing Bellhop to onboard workers faster than ever.

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