Social Media Screening: A Deeper Dive Executed in Record Time

Jun 26, 2024

You know when you meet someone new, get home, and immediately google them? You might even solicit your friend who’s an expert online detective to find their Instagram profile. 

Don’t worry we’re all a little guilty of social media sleuthing. And it’s mostly harmless.

But did you know that 75% of hiring managers use social media to check out candidates? They’re not just nosy—they’re looking for insights you can’t get from an interview, to uncover the real person behind the polished resume.

While their head might be in the right place, this manual effort can often be unintentionally discriminatory. But, what if you could do this properly?

Enter Yardstik’s Social Media Screening. This modern, legally compliant screening method provides a comprehensive understanding of your candidates, offering an additional layer of protection for your company.

So, What Exactly is Social Media Screening?

There are lots of different kinds of screens and depending on your business, you might need different packages. Likely, you’ll want a criminal background check, or possibly a motor vehicle record check, or an identity verification check. Those are crucial for keeping your people and customers safe and staying compliant. Other companies might need to go a step further to protect their business.

Yardstik’s Social Media Screening product uses advanced AI to sift through profiles, posts, comments, and even images, to give you a comprehensive view of a candidate’s online presence. And it’s not just the typical social media sites like Facebook, X, and Tik Tok that we’re checking. This clever tool scours over 10,000 online sources to find any red flags that are important to you.

Here’s a breakdown of what Social Media Screening can uncover:

  • Hate Speech: Identify candidates who use offensive or discriminatory language online.
  • Sexism and Bullying: Find instances where candidates have participated in or endorsed sexist or bullying behavior.
  • Illegal Activities: Detect posts or mentions related to unlawful actions, giving you insight beyond legal records.
  • Drug Use: Spot references to or endorsements of illegal substance use.
  • Other Red Flags: From violent tendencies to involvement in extremist groups, this screening can catch a wide range of concerning behaviors.

The best part? It’s custom-built to align with what matters most to your company. You decide the flags you want to watch for, and once they’re identified, you get to make the final call on what to do with that information.

A Proper, Deeper Look at Your Candidates

Social Media Screening goes full Sherlock, digging deeper and looking back further than any manual search could dream of. This screening method pays close attention to detail, and it only surfaces flagged content. This way, you avoid the risks associated with seeing irrelevant content that could lead to discrimination accusations.

Let’s be real—this isn’t a snooping mission. It’s hiring like a boss, with a smart, proactive approach. By understanding your candidates better, you make informed decisions that align with your company’s values and standards.

But, it’s crucial to do this appropriately. Leveraging a tool like Social Media Screening is the only legal practice that solves this need.

Protect Your Culture

Culture isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the heartbeat of your company. Social Media Screening flags potential issues that could negatively disrupt the culture you work hard to build.

By customizing what you look for, you can align the screening process with your company’s core values. This means you’re not just hiring for skills—you’re hiring culture adds or people who will positively enhance your culture. 

This affirms your commitment to a positive, productive work environment. When candidates know that you take culture seriously, it attracts like-minded individuals who value and respect the same principles. 

It’s a virtuous cycle—great culture lures great hires, who keep that culture great. Social Media Screening is a key part of maintaining this cycle, ensuring that your company remains a great place to work.

In a nutshell, Social Media Screening helps you legally dive deep into candidates’ online footprints, helping you make smarter hiring decisions that protect your company and culture.

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