The latest in background screening

Sequential Screening: A Secret Legacy Vendors Won’t Reveal
Sequential Screening is the only solution on the market that helps you run fewer background checks. It works by stopping the screening process if candidates don’t meet your pre-specified requirements.
4 min read

A Background Screening Dashboard Built for Strategic Decision-Making
A dashboard that shows you the good stuff. You know, the stuff other vendors don’t want you to see. Think of metrics like cost-per-hire, conversion rate, and summary by state.
6 min read

How Background Check Companies Sneak in Hidden Fees (And How to Spot Them)
Some background check companies have a sneaky playbook. Instead of putting you first, they’re finding ways to pad their profits—hello, hidden fees and confusing invoices!
6 min read
Post Archive
A Background Screening Dashboard Built for Strategic Decision-Making
“Why is this cost so high?” Ever heard this from your CFO before? Pretty sure we all have. And after your blood pressure levels out and your heart rate returns to...
Identity Verification: The Best Defense Against Modern Fraud
The threat of identity fraud has moved from the realm of cyber-thrillers into a palpable reality for businesses and their customers. A fraudster, armed with nothing but stolen...
Decrypting Fraud’s Latest Moves with Five Expert Insights
In a world where technology evolves at the speed of light, so does the cunning art of fraud. Navigating this challenging landscape is essential for both business longevity and...
Fraud 2.0: New Risks and Rules in the Remote Economy
The remote economy has unlocked a world of global opportunities and real-time connections. People can work from anywhere in the world. Groceries miraculously arrive at our...
Yardstik Doubles Down on Trust & Safety with Two New Tools
In early 2023, Yardstik launched the world’s first Trust & Safety Platform. The platform was our answer to the increasingly important and complex question every...
Yardstik Launches First-Ever Trust & Safety Platform to Help Businesses Build Best-in-Class Trust & Safety Programs
The platform will introduce new screening and verification tools and safely leverage data to improve the user experience and help customers accelerate hiring, reduce fraud,...