Yardstik and Fountain amp up a shared commitment to deliver better, future-forward tools to hourly workers

Mar 25, 2024

Yardstik and Fountain are doubling down on an already-thriving partnership to deliver better screening and onboarding tools to businesses hiring hourly employees. 

After partnering in 2022, the two teams recently released a second integration option, giving customers the power to implement the screening tools and workflows that work best for them. 

When used together, Yardstik and Fountain give customers a measurably better candidate experience and higher conversion rates for hiring their workers. Now, the applicant can execute all steps and tasks in one Fountain workflow.

Take it from a customer and CEO of a large gig marketplace who recently said,

“Yardstik’s integration plugged in seamlessly with our Fountain instance, providing easy onboarding for our drivers. They were consultative in their approach, acting as an extension of our team which helps us offer more value to our customer.”

Who doesn’t love cost savings?

And the benefits don’t stop there. With Yardstik and Fountain, customers have exclusive access to innovative technology that addresses another long-associated challenge with screening and hiring applicants: cost. 

Through a bold new approach called Sequential Screening, which Fountain customers can access through the integration, unqualified applicants are removed earlier in the hiring process, saving customers time and money, and reducing the risk of hiring bad actors.

“We’re ignoring industry norms and building products that help our customers run fewer background checks,” said Matt Meents, Founder and CEO of Yardstik. “We don’t believe businesses should have to waste money screening people who likely won’t make it through the hiring process anyway.” 

Together, Yardstik and Fountain are setting a new standard for how companies should find, vet, and hire candidates at scale in the modern world. 

“A new era of frontline workforce management is upon us,” said Sean Behr, CEO of Fountain. “Our customers need help finding qualified workers fast and at scale. It’s a whole new world out there, and the outdated tools businesses have long relied on just aren’t cutting it anymore. Our integration with Yardstik gives our customers the modern tools they need. We’re thrilled to continue expanding our partnership with them in 2024 and beyond.”

To learn more about Fountain’s integration with Yardstik, click here.

To learn more about Yardstik’s integrations, click here.

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