Yardstik Smart Savings

The only platform built to help you run FEWER background checks

We don’t just say we’ll save you money. We built your savings into our platform.

Saved 50%

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Saved 20%

Cut ALL Costs

How our Platform saves you money

“If you’re looking to make a switch and you’re not happy with your current provider, this is a great way to do it. And I would be willing to bet you will save money for your organization.”

– Zack Rothman, HUNGRY

How our TEAM saves you money

Your Program, Your Way

Most of our customers are looking for proactive ways to save money while still properly screening candidates. Our team takes that challenge to heart. Our experts will gladly help you build the right screening plan that meets your needs and keeps costs low.

No Slap-In-The-Face Price Hikes

While you’re struggling to find support from legacy vendors, their teams are busy emailing you about price increases. You deserve better. You deserve Yardstik. You won’t see price hikes from us.

Contracts that Flex with Your Needs

Hiring volumes can swing from quarter to quarter. Some vendors try to lock you into rigid contracts with constant volume increases. Not us. Yardstik’s contracts are built to adapt, so you can handle the ebbs and flows of hiring without being penalized.

Embrace the future of screening

Join the revolution today. Experience measurably better background screening.