Preparing to Run Background Checks: Complete Checklist for Employers

Aug 14, 2024

So, you’ve decided to run background checks—smart move. But before you hit “go,” let’s make sure you’re set up for success. We’ve compiled a checklist straight from the trenches, based on what our customers say are the absolute must-dos before you dive in.

Let’s break it down so you can crush this with confidence.

1. Reflect on your priorities

We know, we know…duh right? But many companies just run background checks because they’ve always run background checks. So, before you start cranking out screens like you’re on an assembly line, take a beat to nail down your priorities so you can shape the right program for your company. And, hopefully, save on time and money.

Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself.

  1. Why are you running background checks? Every company has a mix of reasons—protecting your brand, ensuring workplace safety, or meeting legal requirements. 
  2. How many background checks will you run? Let’s talk numbers—specifically, how many people are you planning to hire each week or month? Knowing this ahead of time can make sure background checks don’t cause a traffic jam in onboarding.
  3. What is your risk tolerance? Risk tolerance isn’t static. It varies by team and changes over time. Take a moment to assess where your company stands right now. 

2. Understand background checks

Alright, let’s get one thing straight: background checks aren’t rocket science, but you do need to know what you’re dealing with. Before you start, make sure you understand the basics.

Background checks are like a snapshot of a candidate’s past. They can include criminal records, employment history, education verification, driving records, and more. Different checks reveal different things, so knowing what’s in your toolbox is key.

But here’s the kicker—background checks aren’t one-size-fits-all. The type of check you run should match what’s most important to your business. For example, if you’re hiring someone to handle company finances, you might focus on criminal and financial background checks. Bringing on a driver? That driving record is going to be front and center.

So, take a moment to get familiar with the different types of background checks.

3. Get the right people involved

Running background checks isn’t something you should tackle on your own—it’s best to have a solid team backing you up. The success of your process hinges on involving the right people from the get-go.

  • Identify key stakeholders. Who needs to be in the room? This usually includes HR, legal, compliance, and hiring managers. Each of these players has a unique stake in the process, and their input will help you craft a background check strategy that’s both thorough and aligned with company goals.
  • Identify decision-makers. Who’s making the calls? Who’s going to review the details of the background checks? And who has the final say on whether to proceed with a candidate? Defining these roles upfront ensures smooth sailing and avoids any last-minute surprises.

Bottom line: If you want your background check process to run like a well-oiled machine, you need the right people in the mix. Get everyone on board, and you’ll be set to tackle whatever comes your way.

4. Understand compliance and regulatory requirements

Quick disclaimer: This is not legal advice (that’s your own legal counsel’s prerogative to provide). Just handy tips as you navigate the compliance web of background screening.

Here are a few things to pay attention to:

  • FCRA guidelines: The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is your hiring rulebook. It tells you how to handle employment screening without stepping on any legal landmines. Want to run a background check? Get the candidate’s written permission first. Got some info that might affect their job chances? You’ve got to tell them. If you mess up here, you’re looking at potential legal headaches, so don’t skip the basics.
  • “Ban the Box” laws:Ban the Box” laws come into play when you can ask candidates about their criminal history. The idea is to farily review someone’s qualifications before evaluating their background check. But here’s the kicker—these laws vary by city and state. So, know where they apply and make sure your process is up to snuff.
  • PBSA accreditation: When picking a background check provider, look for one that’s got the PBSA (Professional Background Screening Association) stamp of approval. Why should you care? Because PBSA accreditation means they’re on top of their game when it comes to compliance, especially with FCRA rules. In short, if they’re PBSA-accredited, you can trust they know their stuff and won’t steer you wrong.
  • Industry-specific rules: If you’re hiring in industries like healthcare or any job where you’re working with vulnerable folks, there are extra hoops to jump through. These industries come with their own set of rules, and you’ve got to know them inside and out to stay compliant.

Bottom line: Compliance is your ticket to running background checks the right way. Know the rules, follow them, and you’ll be hiring like a pro without breaking a sweat.

5. Create a background check policy

Now that you’ve got your ducks in a row, it’s time to put it all down in black and white. You need a background check policy that’s clear, consistent, and—most importantly—ready for action.

  • Document everything. All those decisions you made about what to check, how to check, and who’s making the calls? Write it all down. Your policy should spell out exactly what types of background checks you’re running, which roles they apply to, and what your process looks like from start to finish.
  • Get your legal team’s stamp of approval. Don’t skip this step! Your policy needs to be airtight, and that means having your lawyers go over it with a fine-tooth comb. They’ll make sure everything’s compliant with all those lovely regulations we talked about earlier.
  • Make it clear and easy to follow. Your policy shouldn’t read like a legal textbook. It needs to be something your team can actually use without getting lost in the weeds. Think bullet points, clear instructions, and no fluff. The goal is to make sure everyone’s on the same page and following the same playbook.
  • Review and update regularly. Your policy isn’t a “set it and forget it” deal. Regulations change, your company evolves, and so should your background check policy. Make it a habit to revisit and update your policy regularly to keep it relevant and effective.

A solid background check policy isn’t a nice-to-have—it’s your roadmap for making smart, consistent hiring decisions. Get it down on paper, get it approved, and keep it fresh.

6. Choose a background check vendor

Now that you’ve got your background check policy locked down, it’s time to pick the right partner to help you execute it. Choosing a background check vendor is like picking a teammate—you want someone reliable, fast, and who knows what they’re doing.

Here are the four must-haves:

1. Incredible Support

Let’s face it: time is of the essence when it comes to background checks. If your vendor takes forever to get back to you, you might lose that star candidate to a competitor. Look for vendors known for top-notch support. Check out reviews on platforms like G2 or ask around in your network. The best vendors have quick response times, knowledgeable reps, and a knack for going the extra mile.

2. A Modern Platform

You don’t have time to wrestle with outdated, clunky software. Your background check vendor should offer a platform that’s sleek, intuitive, and plays nicely with your existing systems. Think easy navigation, clear reports, and integrations that save you from double data entry. If the platform makes your life easier, it’s a winner.

3. PBSA Accreditation

Remember all those compliance hoops we talked about? Your vendor should be a pro at jumping through them. Make sure they’re accredited by the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA). This badge of honor means they meet the highest standards for compliance, including all those FCRA guidelines. In short, PBSA-accredited vendors know the rules and play by them.

4. Ability to Scale with You

Your company isn’t standing still, and your background check needs won’t either. Pick a vendor that can grow with you, whether you’re hiring a handful of folks or staffing up a new division. The right partner can handle increased volumes, ensuring your hiring process stays smooth no matter how big you get.

In short, pick a vendor that’s going to make your life easier, not harder. When you’ve got the right one in your corner, you can run background checks quickly, efficiently, and with your sanity in tact.

You’re ready—let’s get to work.

You’ve done the groundwork—now it’s time to put everything into action.

Ready to work with a background check provider that checks the boxes for you? See why companies choose Yardstik and talk to our sales team today. We’re ready to deliver the A++ support you need.

Now, it’s time to get out there and make those hires count.

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