CASE STUDY: Dispatch Delivers More for Their Customers

Feb 16, 2022

How Dispatch Created a Better, Safer Screening Experience—and Flipped an Expense into Profit

Executive Summary

Frustrated with the one-size-fits-all, rigid service from their screening provider, Dispatch instead partnered with Yardstik. Together they added a white-label integrated solution to the Dispatch platform that was safer, more efficient and flipped an operating expense into a profit generator. Dispatch now has plans to add certification checking to further differentiate themselves as industry leaders in safety.

  • Dispatch turned an operating expense into a profit-generating extension of its platform.
  • They improved user experience—with faster onboarding and fewer abandoned applicant forms.
  • By streamlining manual tasks, they freed up resources to help grow the business.

About Dispatch

Dispatch ( is a business-to-business delivery platform in which customers use their web app to request a delivery, and nearby drivers respond with a mobile app to pick up parts and packages to deliver to the final destination. With their network of independent contractor drivers, Dispatch has upgraded the traditional courier space by using technology to make the final-mile delivery process efficient, transparent, and reliable.

One-Size-Fits-All Wasn’t Fitting

The team at Dispatch was frustrated with the service provided by their background screening provider. With thousands of independent contractor drivers in 50 markets, Dispatch was facing unique platform challenges that the traditional one-size-fits-all model wasn’t addressing.

Their screening platform was inefficient and inflexible, the experience for their drivers was frustrating, and the customer support was unresponsive. It was draining resources and impeding the growth of their business. They needed to find an alternative.

Taking a Different Approach

Dispatch turned to a new white-label platform screening partner in Yardstik. And they quickly grew to appreciate the difference in approach.

“The Yardstik team went beyond basic background screening and listened to the unique needs of our company. They were consultative in their approach and were an extension of our team to help us deliver more for our customers.”

– Andrew Leone, Dispatch Co-founder and CEO

It all kicked-off with a discovery meeting. Dispatch’s team was given an opportunity to be heard—to describe their unique challenges and goals. The Yardstik team listened and came back with recommendations tailored to Dispatch’s needs.

That model of two-way partnership continued throughout the onboarding and beyond. With monthly reporting and quarterly business reviews, Dispatch gained access to the right data and the right people to make smarter decisions about human security on their platform moving forward.

Finding Net Profits

This new model also had a major financial impact. Not only did they find ways to cut their costs significantly, but they also created a new passive revenue stream from the screens already happening on their platform. That resulted in Dispatch taking home a net profit.

They got to profit in a few ways, including:

  • Yardstik’s Precision Checking™ process—a cascading approach to background screening—saves Dispatch money by eliminating irrelevant screens. In short, if a candidate doesn’t clear the MVR insurance requirements, Yardstik won’t run the criminal check, and Dispatch won’t be on the hook to pay for it.
  • Yardstik took over the MVR Point calculation for Dispatch, which immediately freed up six employees and sped up the onboarding process.
  • Through Yardstik’s revenue sharing program, Dispatch takes a cut of the monthly revenue generated from every screen run within their platform.

Combined, this flipped an operating expense for Dispatch into a profit driver for their business. All while delivering a better, safer experience for their customers and drivers.

Keeping It in the Platform

Integration was critical for Dispatch. They envisioned a more fluid screening experience for their drivers, keeping everything neatly contained within their platform ecosystem.

Dispatch had already adopted Fountain as their hiring platform. Anything new had to be consistent with that experience.

Leveraging Yardstik’s Fountain integration and its flexible interface, Dispatch found a solution that matched their vision:

“Our drivers operate in a mobile-first environment. Yardstik developed their candidate interface with that in mind and improved the experience for our drivers.”

– Kate Rickert, Dispatch Driver Engagement Manager

This new process also resulted in faster onboarding and fewer abandoned applicant forms—a win-win-win for Dispatch, their drivers, and their customers.

Delivering Meaningful Results

With a clear vision for their platform and the right partner to support that vision, Dispatch was able to realize:

  • Significant cost savings and passive revenue, resulting in net profit
  • Happier customers, drivers, and more efficient workflows
  • Freed up resources that can now be focused on growing the business
  • A safer marketplace through more relevant and more efficient checks
  • A new consultative partnership for continuous growth

“It’s been a real breath of fresh air. We’ve already noticed a huge improvement in the application process for our drivers, and we’re excited to continue to grow our relationship with Yardstik.”

– Kate Rickert, Dispatch Driver Engagement Manager

An Evolving Partnership

The story doesn’t end here. Dispatch has some big ideas to leverage their partnership with Yardstik for future growth—starting with plans to add industry certification checks to their platform.

With a new partner by their side, Dispatch looks to further differentiate themselves as proactive leaders—as champions for safety in their industry. They’re primed for accelerated growth, looking forward and seeing nothing but clear roads ahead.

About Yardstik

Yardstik is the human security platform for platforms. We take a consultative approach to industry-specific, white-label integrated certification and background screening solutions designed for marketplaces and SaaS platforms.

On average, Yardstik helps our customers find 25% in potential savings against their existing solutions. In some situations, passive revenue is shared back to our customers from screenings that happen on their platforms.

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