How Background Check Companies Sneak in Hidden Fees (And How to Spot Them)

Sep 12, 2024

Background checks should be simple, right? You run the report, pay the fee, and get the results. But some background check companies have a different playbook. Instead of putting you first, they’re finding creative ways to pad their profits—hello, hidden fees and confusing invoices!

Let’s look at the main culprit here.

Are Your County Costs Really Coming From the Counties?

When a search is run at the county level, many counties charge access fees. Most background check providers pass these fees directly to you, calling them “pass-through fees.” These fees are supposed to come straight from the county without any markup.

However, some companies have found a way to squeeze in extra charges. They might add a line to your invoice like “record research fees” or “county verification fees.” Sounds official, right? But here’s the catch—these aren’t fees from the county at all. They’re additional costs that the provider is tacking on that are supposed to seem like county pass-through fees when they’re not.

For example, imagine you’re told a background check costs $10. But then you see “county fees” on the invoice for three different counties, totaling $90. That’s on top of the original $10. Are those actual county fees, or is your provider just padding the bill?

When invoices are unclear, it’s easy to assume these fees are legitimate county charges, but often, they’re not.

Sneaky, right?

Other Common Tricks Used to Get You to Pay More

Shady fees aren’t the only way background check companies are trying to boost their margins. Here are a few more tricks they use to get you to pay more than you should:

1. Confusing invoices

When an invoice is poorly organized or unclear, it’s hard to know what you’re actually paying for. If you see vague line items or can’t easily understand the charges, it could mean trouble. Whether it’s sloppy billing or something more deliberate, a confusing invoice should make you stop and ask questions of your vendor.

2. Misnamed products

Some companies throw around vague, fancy-sounding names like “Intelligent Screening” or “Comprehensive Verification” to describe their services. These product names are often too broad or unclear, leaving you guessing about what you’re actually getting. A product name should be specific and easy to understand, helping you see exactly what you’re paying for.

3. Cutting corners

A lot of companies claim their products are industry-standard when it isn’t true. For example, they might not do the full manual work needed to verify a candidate’s education or employment if it’s not straightforward. Instead of giving you the thorough service you expect, they cut corners, leaving gaps in the screening process while you still foot the bill.

What You Should Expect on Your Background Check Invoice

An invoice should never feel like a game of hide-and-seek. A good background check provider gives you a bill that’s clear, accurate, and reflects what you agreed to. Unfortunately, not all companies play by the same rules.

Here’s how to know if your invoice is up to snuff—or if it’s time to raise some eyebrows.

  • Clear organization: If you have to spend 5+ minutes to understand what you’re being billed for, something’s wrong. A well-structured invoice breaks down every charge in a way that’s easy to follow. No random fees, no strange names. 
  • Accurate product names: Look for product names that actually explain what you’re paying for. “Intelligent Screening” might sound fancy, but does it tell you what’s included? A good invoice uses straightforward names so you don’t have to guess what services were performed.
  • No surprise fees: The number you were quoted upfront should be the same one that shows up on your final bill. Any extra fees or unexpected charges? Those are worth questioning.
  • County pass-through fees: County access fees should be just that—fees from the counties themselves. These are often unavoidable, but they should never be inflated or padded by your provider.
  • Costs that match your contract: Every line on your invoice should match the agreement in your contract. If a service or fee wasn’t part of your original deal, that’s a problem.

If your provider checks these boxes, great. If not, it might be time to rethink who’s handling your background checks. A reliable partner doesn’t hide behind confusing invoices or surprise fees—they make sure you know exactly what you’re paying for, every time.

Typical Background Check Costs

So, what should you expect to pay for a background check? Costs can vary based on a few factors, but here’s a quick breakdown of what typically influences the final price.

  • Types of products used: The depth and scope of the background check matter. A simple criminal record check will usually cost less than more complex screens – like motor vehicle record checks or employment verification. The more thorough the check, the higher the cost.
  • County searches: Some counties charge access fees, and others don’t. If your candidate’s background requires searching multiple counties, you’re looking at higher costs.
  • Location of the check: The geographic region can also impact the price. Some states or counties have higher fees for accessing records, while others are free or lower-cost.
  • Scope of the search: How far back do you need to go? Are you searching multiple levels of records (local, state, federal)? The more comprehensive the search, the more it will cost.

In general, a basic background check could cost anywhere from $20 to $50. But once you start layering on additional verifications or running checks in multiple locations, the price can jump to $100 or more.

Be sure you understand exactly what you’re paying for before signing any agreements. Knowing what impacts your background check costs will help you avoid overpaying for services you don’t need.

How to Find a Provider That Doesn’t Trick You on Costs

Tired of getting burned by confusing invoices and hidden fees? Here’s how to spot a provider that’s actually upfront with you:

  1. Ask questions: A trustworthy provider won’t dodge your questions. If something on your invoice doesn’t make sense or a fee seems off, reach out and ask for clarification. If they can’t give you a straight answer, you’ve got your answer.
  2. Look for simple pricing: The best providers will be clear from the start about what their services cost—no surprises, no extra add-ons later. Make sure their pricing structure is easy to understand and that you know what’s included.
  3. Check for real customer support: You should be able to get a quick, knowledgeable response when you ask about your invoice or pricing. If your provider isn’t there to support you when you have questions, that’s a huge red flag.
  4. Choose a customer-first provider: At the end of the day, you want a partner who prioritizes your business. Look for a provider who cares about transparency, fairness, and making the process as smooth as possible for you.

A good provider doesn’t need to trick you to win your business. If you’re dealing with one that does, it might be time to make a switch.

Ready for a Provider That Puts You First?

If you’re tired of wading through confusing invoices and getting hit with surprise fees, we get it. At Yardstik, we believe in transparency and straightforward pricing—no games, no gotchas. We’ll help you make sense of your current invoices and show you a better way to handle background checks.

Talk to us today, and we’ll give you a clear, customer-first alternative that works for you.

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