Criminal Background Checks

Stay safe and compliant with fast, accurate criminal background checks

Criminal background checks search national and county criminal records to help you make the right hiring decision. Stay compliant, and keep your brand, organization, and customers safe.

What’s Included:

  • National Criminal Search (Requires County-Level Validation)
  • National Sex Offender Registry
  • OFAC & Most Wanted Lists
  • Global Watch List & SSN Trace
  • Federal Criminal Record Search
  • Current & Previoius County Search

Background checks shouldn’t feel overwhelming

The Yardstik platform is designed to make background checks simpler than you ever thought they could be. From inviting candidates and handling results to managing invoices, we’ve built everything to be headache-free.

Stay compliant

Easily fulfill all of your compliance requirements in one place.

Get clear results

No more wading through complex reports—get easy-to-understand results

Save money

No games. Our platform is built to save you time, money, and your sanity.

“It’s been a real breath of fresh air. We’ve already noticed a huge improvement in the application process for our drivers, and we’re excited to continue to grow our relationship with Yardstik.”

– Kate Rickert, Dispatch

Our winning trifecta


Get results in record time with Yardstik's blend of cutting-edge automation and an expert human touch.


Yardstik's high standards ensure you receive reliable information, giving you confidence in every decision.

Easy to Use

Yardstik’s intuitive interface makes background checks a breeze, so you can focus on what truly matters.

Background checks of the future are here

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